Friday, April 6, 2012

Saints Audio Tape Targets Body Parts

When I first saw this article, I thought it was just fluff.  I was wrong!

Even the people defending the Saints Staff had to be taken aback with the audio released of the Defensive Coordinator.
There is evidently a video also that hasn't been released.

Greg Williams specifically discusses attacking an ACL injury, injuring ankles, hitting the QB in the head and targeting head shots on a player with a previous concussion.

 Supposedly during this pep talk he is making hand jestures that it is worth money if you do it.

The man that recorded the audio said that Payton was not in the room.

Here is a quote from the man that videoed the speech.

“When [Gregg Williams] was talking about the Gore stuff and saying ‘cut off the head,’ I was thinking, ‘That’s a metaphor,’ ” Pamphilon says. “The thing that really got me was when he said the thing about No. 10 and concussions. I thought, ‘Did he just say that?’ That was the red flag for me. And then the comments by the Giants made it hit home even harder.”;_ylt=Aowjioghrw9z7kalUNMlxJdDubYF?slug=ms-silver_gregg_williams_speech_saints_49ers_bounty_040412

1 comment:

Jonathan said...

Nothing to say-- this is terrible and changes some of my thoughts on the suspensions. Ridiculous to direct your players to try and end a career. An ACL on a receiver, a concussion on a RB.
-- My opinion has changed from ealier statements I made regarding the severity of the punishment. Leaders must and should be held accountale for their actions. I love what Payton and Loomis have done for the team, but they let this occur after being warned- Time to face the music.