Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Golden Bears

God forbid that I would post on the subject of women's basketball; so I will make it a Baylor post instead.  Who could imagine a few short years ago that Baylor athletics would be where it is today?  Think back about a decade to the sorry state of affairs for this school which snuck into the Big 12 but was hardly competitive.  Like the Vanderbilt or Northwestern of the Big 12.

Enter Kim Mulkey, an unlikely savior from Louisiana.  After storming to a national title in 2005 with the Lady Bears, a slight change in perception took place in Waco.  Enter Scott Drew.  The men's basketball program was in total shambles, but through whatever means necessary, Drew brought them into the 21st century, landing JC transfers and eventually blue chippers.  Enter Art Briles and Robert Griffin III.  Briles is an icon in TX high school football, and the benefits started showing up immediately.  Griffin followed and said "we can win".

2012: Drew has gone to Elite Eight's 2 of 3 years and finished in the AP top 10.  Griffin wins the Heisman and along with Briles leads a 10-win team.  Mulkey runs a 40-0 table with one of the all-time greats in Brittney Griner.  And for good measure the baseball team, always a power, is atop the Big 12 and undefeated in league play.  Great times in little Waco, TX.



Sport Thought said...

Baylor being in the national spot light is one of the craziest things we have ever seen in sports.


Jonathan said...

upsetting about Mulkey because she wanted to be at LATech- the difference was Tech did not want to commit to a 5th yr on a contract. Kudos to Baylor