Thursday, September 16, 2010

Matt Mosely is down on the Cowboys.

1. Alex Barron, Dallas Cowboys right tackle: OK, this is starting to feel like piling on, but then, how do you leave this man off the list? If he simply gets one punch on Redskins linebacker Brian Orakpo, there's a chance he could've knocked him off stride. Instead, he was beaten off the snap and had to put his arm around the linebacker's neck. In normal circumstances, you'd rather see an offensive tackle take a holding penalty if it means protecting your quarterback from a clean shot. But on the final play of a game, it's probably best to let Orakpo race on by and see if Romo can still make a play.

2. Jason Garrett, Dallas Cowboys offensive coordinator: He took full responsibility for that clueless call at the end of the first half while talking to reporters Wednesday at Valley Ranch. On Monday, coach Wade Phillips had attempted to take the blame. But Jerry Jones' decision to pretty much let these men operate independently is going to cause problems from time to time, and you saw that in dramatic form Sunday night. Garrett also failed to stick with a running game that appeared to have some potential in Sunday's game. Just a really bad night for Garrett all the way around.


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