Saturday, September 4, 2010

Our alma mater. Navy is ugly.

Watching Airline play in Navy uniforms last night was bad enough.

Then to see North Carolina in the Columbia tonight just reminds me of the
lack of originality in our schools coaching staff.

Navy is for people that can't decide between Black and Blue. Just terrible.
Pick your team of boredom in uniforms with Navy.

I will not even get into the fact that a school with 1600 kids has skill players going both ways during a 5A game. Why? The offense runs a semi-spread, the wide receivers and rb's run on every play then go out and try to play defense. They were dragging after the 1st quarter.
I doubt the coaches even noticed.

Answer this question.
How do they practice at game speed when the 1st team cannot go against the 1st team in practice?


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