Friday, May 14, 2010

My 5 Best NBA Players in the last 40 years.

This is a hard list to complete. Naming 10 is much easier, picking my top 5 was difficult.
I set up some standards. MVP, Winners, and the most important aspect to me:
They changed the face of the way the NBA was played.

The first two are easy for me. The other 3 were interesting.

1. Jabbar 6 MVP's - 6 Titles-He walked in winning and left winning, only Bill Russell can say that comment. Magic is on my top 5 because of Jabbar.
2. Jordan 5 MVP's - 6 Titles-The quickness and explosion has not been seen since he got old.
3. Bird 3 MVP's- 3 Titles- One Best 3 Players in NBA as a Rookie and only Jordan surpassed him until his body failed.
4. Magic 3 MVP's- 5 titles Most dominant point guard I have ever seen at controlling the game.
5. Hakeem 1 MVP- 2 titles Forget the MVP, it is a popularity contest some years. He dominated all of the other centers, Ewing, Robinson, Young Duncan and even Shaq on some nights. Hakeem average more blocks at 3 per game than all of them.
He also averaged more steals a game than Kobe Bryant.

A few comments:'
Shaq has been dominate in every category and would be over "The Dream" but Hakeem played both ends of the court and Shaq did not. During his career has dominated the playoffs and is Finals MVP 3times.

James is changing the NBA with his overall talents and will make my 50 year starting team.

Kobe is a less talented Jordan without the quickness.

Duncan's just did not match up to The Dream in an overall game. (Numbers below, not to mention a talent down decade in the NBA. Besides Shaq was better individually and statistically.)

Moses Malone he was the best player for quite a few years.


1 comment:

Jonathan said...

I agree with your list of top 5 but the order at the top I would flip. Jabbar was the only player I have watched who could score whenever he wanted to-- and he was old then. No one could defend the skyhook. Jordan changed the game though and carried the NBA on his back. His last 3 titles, no other player was around to assist. Bird and Magic are tied at the hip-flip a coin on rankings. Hakeem was the best center of his era. He beat all others, inclusive of Shaq. He actually schooled him in the finals (albeit a young Shaq) I do not think the result would have changed much 2 or 3 years later.
Second thought- no Power forward- all other positions are listed. What would your top 5 be considering postion
Jabbar, Magic, Bird, Jordan.

PF- tough call (am I missing someone)
Malone if considering points
Barkley better in Rebound close on points
Duncan- close to Barkley but had the titles
*favortism makes me lean to Malone.