Thursday, October 21, 2010

Cowboys Defense.

I understand why the national media clammers on and on about the Cowboys talent. I just wish they would qualify it as offensive skill players talent and a nose guard and two linebackers.

When I watch that defense and no turnovers, I honestly believe Wade is doing the best he can. Ware is just great. Hatcher is real good, Spenser is learning to be good. Other than that... ZERO. Rookie Sean Lee, looks like he is two steps faster than the others when he is in there.

Mosely summed it up on his blog today.
"2. Mike Jenkins, cornerback, Dallas Cowboys: He's supposed to be an elite player in the league, but he's being exposed on a weekly basis. He grabs a fistful of jersey when there's no need. And it looks like opposing teams are starting to target him. We were probably too quick to move Jenkins past veteran Terence Newman in the pecking order. "

Can Wade's defense that has always created turnovers, be a scheme issue? I think not. I blame the GM for bad drafts.


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