Monday, October 11, 2010

Fallen Geniuses

It always strikes me how a coach can rise to the top and claim genius status, and then we invariably see the eventual slippage. Urban Meyer is the latest, following in the footsteps of recent geniuses like Bob Stoops and Jim Tressel. My theory is that maintaining is much harder than building. They get so tied up in the massive details of running the operation that they lose the edge that put them on top in the first place. Not that they don't continue to be successful, because they do. But, their invincible aura finally gets blasted and they become just one of the top dogs, not THE top dog. It was there to see last year in FL, but Tebow covered it up. Now, FL can't get out of their own way. It's also striking to see just how much Tebow and McCoy carried those programs. FL and TX have 4 losses only 6 weeks into the post-Tebow and post-McCoy eras.

Also, it's funny that even after 'Bama's demolition of FL I still wasn't sold. I watched them 3 whole games leading into the SC game and I just didn't feel good about them. I thought that Penn St., ARK, and FL all moved the ball and much of what happened was the fault of those offenses, not 'Bama's defensive greatness. I think Saban knew it also. He's fighting the issue of having a bunch of high school studs that don't understand the work that has to be done to win in the SEC.


1 comment:

Sport Thought said...

Your comments are really intriguing.

The coaches comments are so accurate.

I find it more interesting on what you said about Bama. I did not see it. I still don't see it actually. I see loads of talent and the best team in America.
