Sunday, October 24, 2010

NFL - Head Hunting.

After the last week of constant media coverage on the dangerous helmet impacts, I am tired of the old school people complaining about the NFL wanting to fix the issue before someone dies on the field.
(I am not even going to touch the subject of the helmet leading the tackle that is too tricky with players changing directions.)

Where would I start?
1. 15 yard penalty if tackle is made above the numbers when the offensive player is not leaning over at the waist.
- It is a ridiculous to think that the impact of hitting the head is more effective that a dead center body shot at the ribs or arms. As a matter of fact with a little math you can confirm that the offensive player will be more effectively moved backwards and drop the ball more often.
-The only reason for these head shots is intimidation or injury.

2. The NFL should devise a formula for an angle of attack on plays and review the plays after the game. This will show if certain players are attacking at an angle that is deadly or career threatening.
The penalty could be set in increments and part of the CBA.
A. Warning B. Fine C. Larger Fine. D. Suspension. E. Possibly Career Ending Decision.

To hear Juiced up Steeler LB Harrison whine and say he may retire makes me want to puke. His angle of approach was upward and above the pads on the offensive player on the play.

Overall, football is about big hits! But that is not reason enough to allow players to go after the heads of other players. (The NFL should also address these special team blind side shots with video.)

The league can allow huge impact tackles and keep them below the pads.
These players are good enough to learn how to tackle a foot lower than the current rules allow.


1 comment:

Sport Thought said...

I love your idea of the league reviewing all these plays during the week, like the NBA does with flagrant fouls. I saw a spot that showed Butkus and Lambert tackling, and they certainly never went for anyone's head, and were still intimidating enough. These head hunters do it to make their "bones", get a reputation, and get rich off of it (and get on SportsCenter). Like the head slap and the horse collar rules, the league will not suffer in any way for cleaning up the head shots.