Monday, May 3, 2010

Phil and Tiger.

I really never thought I would see this happen.

If Phil wins the The Players and Tigger finishes outside the top 5, Phil is no. 1.
Doubtful, but it could happen.

By the way, I watched Tiger play when he missed the cut. He was wild, but that is usual.
It was his putting, he was pushing the ball. He lost that smooth release of feeling the club head.

So, what do I think?
Easy fix if he gets his head right. The Haney swing is whole different issue, it is just weak.
His putting and short game have always been the key for him anyway.

I will not comment on the post about rumors Tiger's written list at rehab.
If you like trash go search for it.



Sport Thought said...

It's so interesting to me to watch this unfold. After 30+ years of unrivaled success at all stages, he is faced with criticism and doubt for the first time on a large scale. Where is his head? Has he lost confidence? What if his psyche is really shaken with all this and he turns into Ian Baker Finch or David Duvall? Can you imagine that?


Sport Thought said...

If he turns into Finch, I will once and for all know that his Dad did not make a deal with the devil.
