Wednesday, October 13, 2010


The debate on Mike & Mike this morning was, which of the remaining aces is the best: Lee, Halladay, Lincecum, or Sabathia? Which would you start if the season was on the line? Halladay was getting the majority of the vote. Tough call, but probably right. But, Lee's post-season ERA is 1.44 after 6 starts. By the way, Koufax's career post-season ERA was 0.95!!!!


1 comment:

Sport Thought said...

Lefty, Lefty.

I would take Halladay also.

Lee is a monster, but I worry that he gets in trouble too often. He is so classic. When he is pitching out of the stretch he seems to be better than ever. Some of his pitches are quicker and at different angles.

Little man Lince is just the wild card. I wonder what will happen as he goes farther into the playoffs.

His stuff is just amazing, not better than Halladay but special.