Saturday, October 2, 2010

The Court Jester

Hard to believe that only a short time ago we had maybe the best coach in America, and we swapped him for maybe the dumbest one in all the land. So dumb that he didn't learn anything from last year's Ole Miss firestorm. So dumb that he will spend the week praising his players and coaches for this win against an unranked opponent at home. So dumb that he is becoming TV and talk radio's favorite joke. Better to have lost this game by far than to keep suffering this embarrassing buffoon.

I think I'm a little worked up.........


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bob Stoops gets 4.3 million a year Urban Meyer gets 4 million,
Nick Saban gets 3.9,
Les Miles gets 3.7
Jim Tressel gets 3.7 million.
Is it just me or does one of these not belong. Sometimes you have to say things outloud our look at them on paper to realize just how wrong somethings are.....