Sunday, October 10, 2010

LSU 6-0

My surprise is how dominate LSU was on offense against Florida.

LSU's defense was sound going into the game, but Lee has changed the dynamics of the offense.

Ridley had no where to run, so the passing game was really incredibly efficient.

Now, the clock managment with 1:20 to play that dropped to 35 seconds to call a timeout and run the luckiest fake field goal is just bad.

How about that ball bouncing straight up to a man on the the run.
Miles is....welll.....Wow.

Florida seems to be playing like LSU now. Penalities, mistakes, confusion.
What happened?


1 comment:

Sport Thought said...

Might as well say it; Les Miles is one lucky SOB. He has a history of getting away with some funky calls and decisions. However, they did play with both urgency and skill this game, and should have won without the theatrics. Nice to see Tolliver re-appear! Les must have used the "us against the world" theme this past week because they did show some spunk. Breather against McNeese and then Auburn/Bama.....