Thursday, April 15, 2010

Ben R

I was fairly surprised to hear several shows today say that the sentiment in Pittsburgh was running 70-80% against Big Ben. Cowherd said of all the e-mails he's received on the subject, nearly every one trashed him, saying he was immature, a poor leader, not involved in the community, wreckless, etc. Surprising from a football crazy town talking about someone who's won 2 super bowls. I really leaned toward giving him the benefit of the doubt, but these fans obviously know more about him, and it doesn't appear to be good.


1 comment:

Sport Thought said...

You know what I think about Ben and his delusions. This story was really disappointed me.

The DA report was rather incriminating with the physical evidence and types of injuries. (Since when did minimum amount of DNA restrict determine an outcome? )

Then when we also consider the fact that his body guard blocked her friend from the entrance, when she tried to go get the girl and help. Some reports are saying that she pleaded with the body guard to let her help her friend.

As a side note, I was listening to XM during his rookie year, I believe this was Cowherd, and he talked about Big Ben being the center of attention and Type A personality when he walked in a room with some of the other QB's drafted that year.

I hate this type of story.