Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Frank Deford Article

S, I found this in Deford's article and I meant to send it to you. I am sure you will find a memory of our discussions on this specific subject on what type of mind is needed to truly excel in some areas of sport.

Deford Quote-
I find some enlightenment in the words of the late sage,Al McGuire, who knew sports stars so well. "Super intelligent people can't be good athletes," Coach McGuire said. "They're too aware." And if there is one thing we have learned about Tiger Woods, it is what little awareness he possesses -- otherwise, can he please explain all those guileless text messages. Rusty he may be at Augusta, but why should we think self-consciousness will hinder him?

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1 comment:

Sport Thought said...

Yes I remember and I've thought about it many times. The Bill Bradley's are certainly in the minority.