Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Tiger's Doctor and the FBI

Most people know what I think of Tiger and his unusual growth during his rise to dominance. Whispers were out on the web about the sudden muscle bulk and growth from a lanky 150lb super athlete to a 200lb person that shortened his swing and increased his power.

His father once commented on it being normal to grow that much. He referenced another swoosh athlete that is another babe hound and Tig's friend as an example.
(Funny thing, I also thought that this superstar was juiced after the quickness left his game.
S, you used to get mad when I would bring him up with Marion Jones, Dykstra, Clemens, Bonds, Sosa,Armstrong and every Olympic Sprinter. You called me jaded, I believe.)

Today's Story

Tiger's Canadian Doctor is being investigated by FBI for performance enhancing drugs.

Go Figure, No ties to directly link Tiger and any PED use.
How many times do we need to see the smoke before we believe there is a fire. He supposedly to have treated Tiger 4 times this year with blood spinning.
This treatment could have been done with a local doctor and is not legal.
Throw in the pictures of a passed out Woods in the middle of the road due to alleged pills and drinks and you have a interesting story about a guy willing to take some substances and do anything.

I always worry about the workout junkies that exercise multiple times a day and especially when they never let anyone see the workout routine or work with them while they add the initial bulk. Medical doctors say that the body needs some way to recover, and the juice and HGH helps the healing and build mass while allowing continuous workouts.

What if I throw in that prior to the drug testing on tour, Tiger admitted that he was taking pre test to make sure his legal supplements would not fail. It pays to have money and a good chemist. He also missed his own tournament after committing.

If you doubt me, check it out for yourself. Also remember, the PGA like the NFL has no blood testing which is the only way to find the substances.

For the record, Joint failure due to ligament and tendons losing elasticity is a sign of PED use.

Here is his supposed workout from a 2007 article.
High-Rep Weight Training: This program features higher reps (often 25 to 50) and submaximal weights, rather than the sets of 6-12 reps with heavier weights favored by bodybuilders and others trying to add size. "We're working for balance, control, endurance, and speed," says Kleven.

Funny that this workout is to avoid size. 30-50lbs is not what it used to be.

What is the truth?
I do not know, but I wish they would legalize HGH and let the general public have access to these wonder drugs.


1 comment:

Sport Thought said...

What a wonderful world we live in.