Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Radio Talk

Just some thoughts on radio personalities/shows. I've come to really like Doug Gotlieb. He is prepared, witty, down to earth, and what he says makes sense to me. I enjoy Mike & Mike because of the span of their show and the experts they routinely have on. I'm sick of Galloway and rarely listen anymore. The down home act has just worn thin with me. I still love to catch Dan Patrick when I can. He's slick, but somehow stays just under the too-slick line for me. Rivals is awesome, but I'm getting a little tired of the repeat callers like the blowhard in Ohio, Terry. Sometimes I really like the Brando show, but he can sometimes get off on subjects like gambling and lose me. I like his angles though. He is thoughtful and brings some interesting non-traditional views. The NFL network on Sirius is just not very good to me at all. The people doing their shows are incredibly boring and they think too much of themselves. I fill in the spaces with Mad Dog and find some of their stuff OK. All in all, I'm pretty content and can fill my drive time with good stuff most of the time.


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