Thursday, December 23, 2010

Blake Griffin- and some other stuff.

Rookie Of The Year seems a moot point, Griffin is a shoe in at age 21.

S, you are right about his jumping ability, it is insane.  I saw where last night he had his 17th Double Double game.

Speaking of Young Superstars.

What happened to super freak Michael Beasley in the NBA as compared to Kevin Durant and Blake is a testament to a lack of HEART.  Did I mention that Beasley is still only 21 years old, turns 22 in January. He is at 21pt and 6rebs this year.

The 22 year old Superstars
Durant with his career averages at 25.5 and 6reb and climbing.
Kevin Love is 22 and averaging 20pt and 15boards.
Derrick Rose 24 pts 8 assist
Michael Westbrook 24pt 8assist.
Eric Gordan 23 and 5
Stephen Curry 20 and 5.

Next up, 
Wall 17pt and 10 assist and Jennings 18pt and 6asst. Tyreke Evans 17pt 5asst and 5reb
I hope the NBA gets their act together so we can enjoy this group. Quit having different rules for different players and call traveling.


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