Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Cam is cleared to play by NCAA after Dad's Shopping Spree

Newton was cleared to play by the NCAA, even though they say his Preacher man father was shopping his son's talent for six figures.

I admit that I am shocked at the outcome, did the NCAA finally find a sense of reasonable thought.
In the past if your family was guilty so was the player.  If you throw in the fact that numerous people are quoted as saying Cam knew what his father did regarding the money makes the story more difficult to accept.

On the bright side, we will at least have an option to watch the better athletes play in the championship games.


1 comment:

Sport Thought said...

I'm really amazed that this isn't more of a scandal. This isn't a family getting a free home or car, or some fake job given by a booster. For the first time we have real dollar amounts being thrown around as to what it takes to land a big prospect. We're supposed to believe that he was asking for those figures at MSU and then just decided on Auburn for free? I'm totally shocked that the NCAA has buried this so quickly.