Monday, December 13, 2010

Al Golden at Miami.

If a short time span of success is an identifier, Miami has a good coach.
Going to Temple and winning 17 games the last two years is a really good job.

But, he hasn't had the week end week out, pressure in a big time area before. 
He seems to have charisma on TV, so maybe he will be a great recruiter and hire.
It will be interesting to see if he can control the mind set of the players he will be recruiting.

I think it is a reach,


1 comment:

Sport Thought said...

I'm embarrassed to say that I wouldn't know Al Golden if he was sitting here in the room with me. But I generally like the idea of hiring winning coaches from smaller programs; winning usually translates although the point about the high profile pressure is valid.

That's why I think the Muschamp hire is a risk; Florida is a huge gig and he has no track record of being in charge and winning as the head man. Surprising to me they went that way.