Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Joe Morgan out at ESPN- Made me think about some TV personalities.

With the replacement of these two old school announcers, Joe Morgan and Jon Miller,  I thought I would comment on the state of announcers for the telecast.

1.  Baseball- Considering the pre game host and the game announcers I have them at the top.
  I like Morgan better than Miller, but I still love to hear McCarver.  Bobby V will be replacing Morgan and that is still a informative telecast.   I will say that the World Series analyst were a bit boring and predictable and caused me to search for the radio telecast. Baseball on the radio is still great.

1a.  Football-  If I stopped at the big game analyst I would rate them above Baseball, but the pre game people on some stations are just terrible.    If Collingsworth wasn't on NBC would anyone learn anything from listening?  Dungy is just weak with no charisma.  Harrison is a cheater. -Espn Chris Carter- Coke Head, Keyshawn-Delusional.-  Matt Millen he has proven his knowledge or lack of.   I like Young and Jackson.

College football is still solid with the traditions, but ESPN needs someone to help Herbie.  Outside of Fowler the other two are a joke.  Dr Lou Holtz needs to go today .  I like May.  I like CBS and ABC.

3. Golf-   I would have them higher if they would get rid of the comic acts and butt kissers. ABC is the worse.
 Johnny Miller is the best in any sport.  He calls more shots, the technical aspects and is not afraid to talk about players fear or nerves.

4. Basketball-  College Basketball is not part of this discussion.
The NBA is just terrible!
 Can anyone logically figure out where they get these people.  Is there a good ole boys group for dim witted ex-players, they are doing the hiring.
Pre Game shows are so illiterate that I would not let anyone without a college degree walk in the room to hear the idiocy.   David Stern seems to be contributing to the Dumbing Down of America via the TV, its a good thing the NBA rivals Hockey in tv sets.
It seems that the people on TV are friends with the players.

If anyone questions why no one watches the NBA.  Consider these two facts.
a.   They have changed long standing rules for the wrong reasons.    (Ginobili made a lay up the other day from the top of the key and never dribbled after he paused after his first step. WHY?)
b.   The group of announcers has too many players.  They were in the NBA for physical gifts from a higher authority and not for their knowledge of a communication degree.   How about this to start:  If an announcer makes four grammatical errors on one 15 minute telecast.           Fire Him on the Spot!

1 comment:

Sport Thought said...

So true. Baseball is the most professional; they have been the least affected by the trend to put ex-players everywhere regardless of whether they can speak. Darling and Smoltz were pretty good on TBS but they need a little more practice.

The NBA is catering to their hip-hop culture and audience. It's totally unwatchable, so I don't watch. I will occasionally watch a game I have some interest in to see a player like Durant, and a handful of Mavs games, but that's it. It's just pitiful.