Monday, January 11, 2010

Carroll - The End of an Era

As a long-time closet USC fan, I have to give props to Carroll as he makes his huge career gaffe. 97-19 even after losing 6 his first year. He took over a program in tatters but with immense potential and quickly brought it back on line. In 9 years he went 6-1 in BCS games and took personal ownership of the Rose Bowl, winning it 4 times. It's hard to think of a program and a coach so perfectly matched. He coached 56 NFL draft picks including 14 first-rounders and made USC the cool place to be in SoCal. I personally see this is a blow to the sport and I'll miss him. I guess Nuehiesel is doing the happy dance right now. Unless Garrett can make a great hire, UCLA will make hay.


1 comment:

Sport Thought said...

The right hire, may keep the train trolling.
Carroll really had a great run. Del Rio?

I, unlike yourself, think Carroll was not the kind of coach that I like to deal with. I watched him run up the score too many times and then have the nerve to complain when it happened to him with Harbaugh.

I will not even get into the numbers surrounding his rep as a Defensive mastermind with the talent he had.

All of the rumors out of USC duing his tenure have been a little more than frequent. I really turned on him when McKnight admitted that Bush called him the day he signed with USC, then Carroll put him and Bush on lock down. Shortly there after the Bush news broke and a famous Pot Head was running the sidelines at home games.

I would rather have Notre Dame rolling again. Maybe.