Monday, January 11, 2010

Romo Talk

Thought I would look at Romo at this point in his career vs some of his contemporaries with similar experience. Going through the teams and trying to figure where he fits is debatable, but consider that Brady & Manning are 1 and 1a, and Favre and Warner are the aging hero's, you then have Brees and Rivers playing at a fantastic level along with Rothlisberger. If you give those 7 spots, then Romo has to slide into somewhere 8-12. If he can continue to keep the turnovers down and makes a playoff run, then to me he is definitely top 10 maybe higher.

Player Career Rating Low High Compl % Avg per Attmpt

Romo 95.6 91.4 97.6 63.4 8.1
Palmer 87.9 69.0 101.1 63.2 7.1
Rivers 95.8 82.4 105.5 63.1 7.8
Eli 79.2 73.9 93.1 57.0 6.7
Rothl 91.7 75.4 104.1 63.3 8.0
Cutler 83.8 76.8 88.5 61.9 7.1
Schaub 91.3 87.2 98.6 65.3 7.8

1 comment:

Sport Thought said...

Career or Current Ranking.
Currently this year.
My list would be.
1. Manning.
2. Rivers
3. Roth
4. Brees-Rodgers
5. Farve
6. Romo
7. Brady.
8. Warner.
9. McNabb
10. Schaub