Friday, January 29, 2010

Tebow at Senior Bowl Practice.

I am still shocked he showed up, but it proves again that he is just different breed and willing to try anything. He should call the coach that changed Romo's motion. He needs help.

Here is some quotes from an article I read tonight.

"He's terrible," said one longtime NFC coach.

"He was Tebow," said a veteran NFC scouting executive. "There's some things that coaches are going to have to get with him and fix in the NFL."

There seems no middle ground with Tebow in the eyes of NFL talent evaluators. They either love him or they don't.

"People are killing this kid," said Russ Lande, a former NFL scout who runs the GM Jr. scouting service and publication. "But you've got to remember: What can he do? He's got a strong arm. He's a good athlete. He's a big, tough, strong kid. Great intangibles. You can't get rid of those. Those are there. He's got some great tools."

On the other side- McCluster is killing them, they are comparing him to Percy Harvin.


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