Thursday, January 28, 2010

Super Bowl Predictor Says Saints = Kind of.

I think I am finally getting over the Cowboys loss, so maybe I can get back into some sports thought.

SB Predictor says Saints Win. (Previous Post)
The problem is that 2 of the 3 teams that lost with the predictor were high scoring teams.
The other team that lost was to the Colts.

By the way, the Saint's bandwagon group is rolling through town with a loud roar.
I am really struggling to stay positive toward the team. Even when I want to pull for them it is a struggle.

This Saint's being America's team crap is another irritant.
It seems like they are a fan favorite, kind of like an ugly sister who does good. The numbers say different on this popularity issue. This was the first time in history the Saints had sold out a season. The road games around the country have been a pretty fair judge of the popularity of teams and the Saints still don't even budge the needle. Like the 49ers, Dolphins, Raiders, Patriots, Packers and Steelers before the media is enjoying the visibility of someone other than the Cowboys.

I know some people question the popularity and that is fine, they should support their teams forever.
I would waiver on my thoughts of popularity.
1. Dallas 2. Steelers 3. Packers 4. Giant 5. Redskins.

These are the Numbers:
1. Since the 70's the Dallas Cowboys have been in the top 4 in Merchandise in the NFL the most popular sport in America. The vast majority of the years, they are top 2. No other team is close in this realm of popularity. The years they have led the league in merchandise surpasses the others in getting into the top 4 rankings. In the 90's an NFL sales report showed that the Cowboys made up 25% of all Sales since the merger.

2. Most hated team, By far. If 10-25% of all NFL Fans are Cowboys fans that leaves a great portion of the 31 teams splittng the other 75-80% of the fans. If I was not a Cowboys fan I would feel about them like I do the Yankees and Notre Dame.

3. Since the Media Bonanza of the 60's:
The Cowboys have played in more nationally televised games.
Won more playoff games than any team in history.
Played in more Playoff Games.
Lost more Playoff Games
Played in More Title Games, Conference and Super Bowls.
2nd in Wins to the Steelers in Super Bowls.

4. Besides Tex Schramm picked the uniforms and home colors after researching and targeting uniforms that represented a product that would be popular.

If this was not enough.
Here is the the Business breakdown for Most Valuable Teams in the World.

The top ten sports team future brand value in the world follows: These ranking were prior to Cowboy Stadium. Which increased the value greatly. They also led the value again this year.

Rank              Sports Franchise          Brand Value (US $M)
Dallas Cowboys $274,306
Manchester United $258,943

Yankees were 4th behind the Washington Redskins.


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