Monday, February 8, 2010

Let's Honor the right person.

It seems that every 20 years a coach comes along that is smarter than the others and changes the way the game is played.
Brown 40's
Landry 60's
Walsh 80's
Now Payton? 00

Instead of commenting on the game last night. I will repost what I wrote a couple of months ago.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Sainthood in the Big Easy.

Sainthood is in order for the ex-QB from Romo's Alma mater. Saint Sean Payton.
Why does he not get the press?
After he wins 2 of the next 3 SB's maybe things will change and he can coach for a team owner worthy of his brain. I read 7 articles on the Saints nationally today, Coach P was not mentioned in any of them.

3 years ago, Jonathan and I were discussing the possibilities that Payton is the next generation of offensive genius. I am closer to the belief everyday, his game plans are far and beyond what the defenses coaches are prepared for.

He is single handily putting Brees and Colston in the HOF.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Best team in the NFL. Saints?

Only 1 team is in the top 5 in all categories of offense.

Saints 5th in Rushing - The top 4 all have losing record.
4th in Passing but 1st in yards per play 9.1
1st in Scoring 37
1st in Yards
1st in yds per play 6.6

15th in Defense- 20 Pt per game.
1st in point differential. 17per game. Pats were 20 pts when they were caught cheating.

My thoughts- Payton is special and with a little luck my prediction of 2 Super Bowls will hold up.
He is Martz with more control, a Coryell in the making with his offense that makes the defenses cover wr's with single coverage. It is funny listening to people give the wr's, rb's, and qb credit and never mention the incredible mismatches the coach has set up. No team gets more one on one coverage than Payton.

Time will tell if he can be a Landry, Walsh or Gibbs: meaning do it with different players while establishing great defenses and top offenses at the same time.

As a bearing of the past the 49ers and Cowboys were the only teams with top 5 rushing and passing during the early 90's.

Pretty good company for the Saints.


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