Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Tiger, Jordan, & the Character Issue

All this ridiculous soap opera with Woods, and then the little blurb about Jordan that I just posted made me think about how our digital age has polluted our ability to really enjoy great athletes. This merging of sports news with tabloid journalism is really bothersome. When I look back at Jordan, I only remember how truly incredible he was on the court. The fact that he turned out to be an ass just doesn't register much with me. He was the best and that's what I remember. The big shots in the big moments, the logic-defying athletic ability, the unbending willpower. I think that's what I'll remember about Woods as well, despite the crap going on right now. Athletes have the same flaws as you or me or the neighbors and maybe more. I just don't want to know about it. Sports is about joy and awe and appreciation of gifts that we can't comprehend. I don't appreciate those gifts more or less because someone is a gambler and someone is a cheater, etc. The gifts are on display and we're lucky to witness them. Whether you'd want any of them to date your daughter just doesn't matter. Just enjoy.


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