Sunday, February 7, 2010

Super Bowl The Night Before

I am still confused on what I feel is the winning point in this game.

I want the Saints to win to keep my work group in a good mood for my meeting this week.
Besides, it will make a lot of our friends happy and they can teach these people how to act.
10 weeks ago when they were both undefeated, I picked the Saints to win 2 of the next 3 SB's.
The Super Bowl Predictor says the Saints.
The Head Coach and his schemes says the Saints.

The Greatness of the QB leads me to Colts. I want Manning to really be this good.
Experts that I respect say the Colts.
The Vikes dominating the Saints says the Colts.
Red Zone touchdown say the Colts.

Confusion in my mind.

These new Saints fans and the crudeness in public makes me cringe anytime I start feeling positive about the Saints and Payton.

It is bad over here, some of these "transplant and bandwagon" people have kids singing the illiterate "Who Dat" in School. They even played the "Who Dat" song at our Alma Mater's Basketball pregame on Friday, (of course the bad karma from that led to a difficult loss in a big home game.) I felt like leaving when I heard it in the Pregame warm ups, some other graduates that you know were also disgusted with the connotations it associates with our state and community. Why do they perpetuate the perception of illiteracy in La?

My biggest pet peeve: Our taxes paying for Benson to become richer. I really do not understand how anyone in or from La. can stand to look at this teams. The NFL is the richest league in the world and one asking one of the poorest states to bank roll a franchise that makes hundreds of millions of dollars in a decade.



Hopefully, this will be my last rant on the subject of the self inflicted embarrassment for Louisiana from these ridiculous chants.
Some great people been Saints fans since I met them and they really deserve a win.
Benson deserves things that should not be written on Sunday morning.

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