Saturday, February 20, 2010

Tiger Woods Confessional

I was hoping you would comment on Woods so that I could avoid the subject.

To say I avoided this scripted session is an understatement. I have not watched it and do not feel that it is something that I should ever watch.

When Woods finally comes out of his sponsor required media blackout, (and Yes - I think he is embarrassed not necessarily contrite for any reason other than getting caught,) I will be amazed at his talent.

For the record, someone whom I trust in reading faces, said that it was strictly for show and cold. She felt that it was another scripted broadcast with not signs of true feelings.

I will add that while reading about the ordeal, I found a comment that the "Sex" was a result of something else, i.e.- the effect not the cause. Interesting wording considering only a couple of things can influence the brain enough to cause this behavior, both are illegal.


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